Contact: Mat Steinlin, Ben Odom
Email: team@row4hope.com
Phone: (512) 671-0764
Jacksonville, FL, October 1st, 2019 – The Jacksonville-based ocean rowing crew, “Team Praetoarian,” who are competing in the 2020 Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, proudly announce their fundraising partnership with the Make-A-Wish® of Central and Northern Florida.
Dubbed by many to be “the world’s toughest row,” the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is an ocean rowing race comprising of a 3,000 Mile crossing of the Atlantic Ocean beginning in La Gomera and ending in Antigua. This adventure race inspires dreamers across the world, and one of its primary goals is to provide a platform for its crews to raise awareness and funds for worthwhile causes.
Mat Steinlin of Team Praetoarian says, “We are living in a fast-paced world which never was more divided. We want to make a stand against this trend, demonstrating that there are still people who stand unconditionally for each other. If it is only for the chance to have a life-changing impact on a child, the whole endeavor will be worth it.”
Crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat with no motor or sails, completely self-supported, is the inspiring and perhaps fantastical dream of Team Praetoarian. As we carefully considered a shortlist of partners we admired, we realized that the Make-a-Wish foundation’s mission was the closest aligned with the spirit of our own Atlantic campaign. We can only begin to understand the challenges that children with life-threatening illnesses face, and we want to help provide them avenues to achieve their dreams, in spite of these challenges. In short, Team Praetorian wants to help make these dreams come true. We, therefore, are proud to stand behind Make-A-Wish® of Central and North Florida, as they continue with their mission of making wishes come true for “Wish Kids.”
We’re proud to be carrying the Make-A-Wish® Central and North Florida Logo on our boat across the ocean, and through joint community fundraising and awareness events in the Jacksonville community and beyond. We look forward to combining efforts to further the mission of Make-A-Wish® Central and North Florida along with support from our communities both in Jacksonville and abroad.
“Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida is thrilled to partner with Team Praetoarian. The challenge that the race provides can be a great metaphor for what our wish kids face every day. We’re very thankful to Team Praetoarian for bringing awareness to our mission and for raising necessary funds to grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses.” – President & CEO of Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida, Anne Cuba.
About Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida
Every 38 minutes Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us in everything we do. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.
In 1980, a 7-year-old Phoenix, Arizona boy with Leukemia inspired the founding of Make-A-Wish. He wanted to be a police officer. A group of officers from the Arizona Department of Public Safety granted his wish by giving him a custom-made uniform, helmet, badge, and even
a helicopter ride!
This wish inspired the group to expand their efforts, and in 1983, Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America was founded to charter other local chapters in the US. The Make-A-Wish Foundation Central and Northern Florida was founded in 1994.
You have the Power to Grant a Wish. Come to discover the Joy with us! Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida. Call 904-580-5906 or visit https://cnfl.wish.org.